Recommendations for a good burn.

All candles require basic care, and the bigger the candle size the more important this care is.


The most important factors you want to consider always for a good burn are

a) The candle memory and

b) sooting


We will share here our recommendations for a good burn with the bigger pieces, the Amen Light Sculptures 3kg but of course they apply to all candles.


The Candle Memory.

To avoid candle memory, simply make sure that the whole surface becomes liquid, otherwise each time is burned it will only burn in the 'circle' area creating a tunnel. 

For the Amen Light Sculptures we recommend around 3 hours on the first burn and around 1 hour minimum each time after. The image below is a good representation on how to avoid the candle memory with an image on the left of how it looks after around 50 minutes of burns (with circles) and how it looks after around 2 hours (circles united and on the way to become a whole liquid surfaces which is what you always want to ensure).

Is hard to precise a time of burn because this changes on the environment depending on the place temperature, air circulation, etc. For example, air conditioning or strong wind is not recommended as it affects the process.



The main way to avoid this, is make sure to trim 'black mushrooms' from the wick to ensure a clean burn each time.

If you detect sooting, inmediately turn off the candle, and trim to ensure a clean burn.